(2001 - present)
Meharry Hubbard Lewis currently holds the post of Chief Overseer of the Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Inc. He is also a diocese bishop currently with responsibilities in the States of Alabama and Florida. He has authored a number of books and articles on the Church, including an extensive history of the Founder, Bishop M.L. Tate, and the founding of the Church (Vision!). He is a graduate of Tennessee State University, Nashville (B.S. and M.S.); and Indiana University, Bloomington, where he received the doctor of philosophy degree. Bishop M.H. Lewis is the father of two children, Karen Lewis Dobbins and Arlan David Lewis.
To learn about the churchs' past Chief Overseers, please visit our "Meet Them...Past Chief Overseers" page on this website.
Welcome to the Holiness Faith and the Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Inc. We are always delighted to know of the interest of others in our faith and doctrine. Actually, True Holiness and Sanctification is more than a system of doctrinal beliefs. It is a "way of life!" The Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Inc. was established by Mary Lena Lewis Tate in 1903. Today, many branches of the Church exist throughout the United States and in a number of foreign countries (many of the search engines will prove fruitful in helping to locate some of them).
Have a pleasant trip as you explore True Holiness and Sanctification and as you are introduced to The Church of the Living God, the Pillar and Ground of the Truth, Inc.! You are always welcome.